Thursday, July 12, 2007

mind control, continued from yesterday

step three (step two would be to force parents to distrust their own instincts when it comes to parenting, and have them distance themselves from their baby who needs them and relies upon them for everything) - institutionalized education. suppress the urge to ask questions, silence all those "whys" that children naturally ask. Make them stand in line, raise their hands and only speak when spoken to, make them dress a certain way, act a certain way, and teach them how to fill in little circles on tests. Forget educating them, teach them to memorize the answers for the tests so they don't have to learn anything. Reward conformity and obedience, punish anyone who exercises their free will or expresses any hint of autonomy.

but see, it doesn't always work, does it? I was born in a hospital, taken from my mother and not allowed to see her for the first 30 hours of my life. Fortunately, my grandmothers both worked in that hospital, and I was held by one or the other of them as much as possible. My early childhood training consisted of strict adherence to Dr. Spock and his evil pink book they gave my mother at that same hospital when they sent her home without me (nowadays it's Ferber). It was my mother's belief that babies should be weaned from breast to bottle when they start getting teeth, mine didn't come in until after my first birthday, lucky me. I was given shots that always left me feeling very ill for a very long time, but it was for my own good, you know. I went to public school, but probably too many different public schools as we moved around a lot when I was a kid. I went to school with the poorest white kids in rural Virginia (because even in the 70's segregation was alive and well in that fine state), and with the intellectual's kids in Connecticut, and even at such a tender age recognized the differences in how the schools functioned, which logically led to the conclusion that the different schools had different agendas. We didn't watch much tv, sometimes we didn't even own a working television (which led to much derision and ridicule at the hands of the other kids in school, I must say).

The almighty television. Oh my! When Pinky asks Brain "what are we going to do tonight?" and Brain says, "The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!" why wasn't television the main theme of every single episode? It seems to me that people are so afraid to think for themselves, that they will believe anything the television tells them to believe, without question. The TV said Bush won the election, and most people quietly accepted that as fact. Those of us who disagreed were ridiculed and harrassed until we shut the fuck up about it. It was the TV that made mystics and conspiracists a pack of raving lunatics. It was TV that made David Koresh an evil madman, deserving of his fate (a fate that not even the most truly evil person should ever have to endure). It is TV that makes people living in the US without proper documentation "illegal." I can see no other reason for anyone to believe those things, but tv says it is so and the sheeple quietly follow the herd (whether there really is a herd to follow, or only actors playing one remains to be seen)....

1 comment:

Heather said...

"sheeple" I like that word... it fits.