Saturday, July 7, 2007


I suppose it's about time for a garden update. I have a few oddly shaped cucumbers almost ready to pick. Apparently they didn't get completely pollinated, and are only filling out on the top half, so they have these long, spiky nipples at the ends. We have sunflowers, but they only got about four feet tall, and the blooms are only about the size of a saucer rather than a dinnerplate. Each bean plant has about two or three pods, rather than the 10-16 they should have, but they are looking pretty good. My daylilies are just now blooming, usually they bust out in April or May at the latest. My roses didn't put on much of a show this year, quit blooming earlier than usual, but they are rebloomers and usually bloom again from September to Christmastime. The avocado pit now has leaves and the pineapple is loving being outdoors. Hundreds of watermelon seeds started growing in my compost. I'm sure it's too late for them to set fruit before cold weather arrives, but I'm leaving some to grow undisturbed, just to see what happens. We also have some blackberries and figs, but it looks as though the wildlife might get them before we do. Okra is coming up, we still have plenty of hot weather left this year, they should be fine now that we are getting rain on a regular basis. And I found one tiny little kale plant, out of the bajillions of seeds I planted, one survived. The spinach bolted (set flowers) immediately after growing two or three leaves, and is inedible. The watermelons and pumpkins are still alive and blooming now, but do look rather puny.


Jen-Jen said...

Did you know that daylilies are edible? They are popular in Chinese cooking. I have a friend from Taiwan who introduced me to them. They aren't too bad raw, anyway. Not sure about steamed, the way they usually eat them.

Friendstacy said...

you can eat all the parts of the daylily plant, roots, flowers, leaves, stems. Have never been quite that hungry, myself ;) Though I tasted the blossoms a long long time ago, they were kinda peppery. I hear different varieties have different flavors...

Jen-Jen said...

The one I ate was not as peppery as I expected. A nasturtium is much more peppery. This one tasted kinda sweet.

Wanted to give you a couple of links to how to build a rain barrel: Sarasota extension Rain barrel
Maryland Environmental Design Program Rain Barrel
The second one looks cheaper. I would bet any agricultural extension would have this info. Rainwater is good for cleaning because it's soft water. I would love to have a house where I could have a bunch of them and use them for laundry -- much cleaner clothes! But watering plants is a nice thing to do with it too.